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English Education
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English teachers should take a course similar to the TEFL certification (that is
sometimes required of foreign teachers). Some people may think that they can
teach without having the certification. Perhaps some can, but from my
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personal experience, having undergone the course, I was trained specifically
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for teaching English as a foreign language.
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First and foremost, Korean teachers have to display a level of confidence that
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will permeate through their lessons. I know that it is very easy to revert back
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to ones mother tongue. It is just natural to do so, and in actual fact it saves
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time (for the Korean teacher), right? Because if they were to speak in English
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and repeat the same instruction in Korean, it would just double the time.
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However, I do not agree with this. If students are to learn English, they need
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to be hearing only English for the duration of that lesson.
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In high school, during my Afrikaans (an official language in South Africa,
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similar to Dutch) lessons, my teacher was extremely strict with us. The minute
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we stepped into the Afrikans classroom, we were not allowed to speak English.
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That subject became one of my favorites at school. We would laugh at each
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s mistakes, but most importantly we corrected one another and as a
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result, learnt from it. An English classroom in Korea should not be any
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different. Obviously, not all students will understand what is being said, but
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that should not matter. That is where actions and body language fall into
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To conclude this essay, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to this
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wonderful country for being such a kind host to me. I feel privileged to have
been given an opportunity to have an influence of some kind in these young
s lives. The experience has been unforgettable and for as long as I am
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in Korea, I pledge to give of my very best.
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Spring 2009

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